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Knowledge Management in the Parent Organisation of the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe
What is Knowledge Management?
The Tasks and Objectives of the EBK-Project at the DSGV
The Components and Architecture of the Solution
Broad Range in Functionality
Success Across the Board – An Award for Excellence from the USA

by Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer and Peter Zündorf

Peter Zündorf and Ulrich Kampffmeyer’s step-by-step guide to the conception and engineering of the internationally acclaimed knowledge management system at the DSGV. One of the most complex and demanding Knowledge Management projects to date, this will be instructive to anyone hoping to make their organisation’s internal and external communications more efficient.
The DSGV (German Association of Savings and Loans Banks) is an umbrella organisation of the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe, one of the largest financial services organisations world-wide. The Finanzgruppe encompasses state banks, savings banks institutes, insurance companies, building societies, computer centres and numerous other businesses. Over 750 companies belong to this business association. The DSGV’s responsibility is to prepare and provide information, to coordinate collective activities and to represent the interests of the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe to politicians, administrations, the public and to the media. 350 employees work for the DSGV at offices including Berlin, Bonn and Brussels. The Federal government’s move from Bonn to Berlin made it difficult to provide information quickly, comprehensively and independent of location. This was the birth of the EBK project (Elektronische Bürokommunikation & Knowledge Management).
Organisations like the DSGV do not manufacture conventional products. They provide information. The association’s primary function is to receive and research information, which is then interpreted, condensed, stored and forwarded to a host of different recipients. These include committees, associations and companies within the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe, as well as political and administrative bodies, European organisations, the press and others. The efficient preparation, use and distribution of this information is one of the association’s key objectives. Knowledge management can be loosely defined as the processing, interpreting, enhancing with additional research, drawing conclusions and targeted distribution of this information. The channels of distribution are also diverse: internal publications, information sheets and circulars right through to seminars.
What is Knowledge Management?
The term Knowledge Management is couched in controversy. Can knowledge, in the classical sense, really be managed by technical systems? Well, obviously not. Technology cannot yet quantify experience values, subjective evaluations, interactive communication of new ideas or evolving, and constantly fluctuating, human wisdom. However, from a technological standpoint we should define ‘knowledge management’ as the recording, storage, research and distribution of structured and unstructured information. Knowledge management essentially gravitates around groupware, document management, data warehousing and information pools. Initially, it involves basic technologies and how basic information, independent of source, can be simply recorded and represented in a factual context. If the information is efficiently processed then it can be subsequently archived and distributed. Having said that, there is also a specifically cultural element to the knowledge management process. Information has to be made available to all departments using unified criteria for classifying and ordering the documents.
The Tasks and Objectives of the EBK-Project at the DSGV
What initially triggered the EBK-Project was the additional office in Berlin. The DSGV had originally been located in Bonn and had a small subsidiary office in Brussels. The project was planned well in advance due to the diversity of extenuating factors: the Berlin office was constantly being expanded, staff numbers at Bonn were being reduced, more travelling was anticipated, new personnel were expected and a general restructuring of the association was underway.
The objectives of the project were:
to prepare information and documents in electronic form, independent of location or source;
to support a shared architecture with locations in Berlin, Bonn and Brussels, as well as use from home office locations, notebooks and the Internet;
to rationalise office space, travel, copying and communication times;
to introduce modern technology to the DSGV;
to manage an increasing number of purely digital pieces of information;
to solve the breakdown between paper and the most diverse of electronic formats;
to support group work and important processes;
to instruct the staff at the DSGV;
to create a universally accessible knowledge pool; and
to automate the registration and distribution of information.
Training and acclimatising the members of staff was considered as pivotal to the solution: many years of operating with paper had to be overcome. Successful knowledge management only stood a chance if the system was universally accepted from office junior level right through to general management. Acceptance therefore was thought to be the benchmark of the project’s success. A gradual, step-by-step implementation was decided as the best way to introduce the solution.
The technological ‘follow-up’ costs also played an important role. The solution needed to achieve the following:
simple to operate and maintain;
tools to manage and evaluate its use;
configuration to the unique working methods and habits of the individual user groups;
flexible access and authorisation system;
adherence to standards, such as SIZ (the information centre of the Sparkassen Organisation), for archiving, data security and access;
standard programmes and functionalities; minimisation of individual adaptation; and
migration security for stored data and documents.
The Components and Architecture of the Solution
In 1998 very few systems could cope with the requirements of the solution. The numerous locations, the shared/different types of work and the necessity for a stable, competent solution meant that the system could only be achieved through a combination of products. The following products were chosen:

operating system
Microsoft Windows (Windows 2000);
groupware basic system
Lotus Notes (Domino Version 5);
EBK application
BOO DocAkte;
Archive System
CE Archiv-Server;
Index Database
Oracle (Version 8);
Microsoft Explorer;
Knowledge Automation
Coextant Hyper.Net
Document Production
Microsoft Office 2000 products.

The solution operates in a multi-platform architecture. Use is possible both via Notes (Fat Client) and via a browser. The DocAkte application is modular. The standard functionality of the programme was refined to support the standards of SIZ, special routing and workflow functions and other modules. It utilises standard services such as a directory service, authorisation systems, index database and converters, which are available to every application component in the same form. The storage of documents during the operative process means that Lotus Domino does not have to perform filing. The filing/archiving system stores the document independently of Notes and organises it with an Oracle database for content disclosure. The final archiving then takes place in jukeboxes with digital optical memory. The combination of Domino and Oracle allows diverse possibilities for capturing data: controlled vocabulary, index search, visualised arrangement, container configuration, etc. Ultimately, this architecture meets the long-term requirements of a knowledge management infrastructure.
Broad Range in Functionality
A basic range, as well as user-specific extensions and ancillary modules, were chosen for the EBK-solution. The most important components are described below:
Data Capture
Capturing data is not merely a question of tackling media breakdowns, but also needs to make information easy to distribute and research. For this, automated and manual processes were combined. A basic component is the application of a unified keyword vocabulary and Thesaurus for a controlled order schemata and indexing that is specific to the SPARKASSEN-Finanzgruppe. This ensures that the creator, recipient and user share the same understanding of the content and objective of the document. The individual -capturing and indexing components are:
central scanning and local scanning;
electronic fax input;
electronic Internet/e-mail input;
automated routing of incoming documents to individual and group users;
storage, transfer and warehousing of any number of groupware files; and
storage of office documents outside of groupware.
A clearing workplace is available for processing and forwarding documents, e-mails, faxes and other procedures that have been incompletely indexed or falsely routed.
Indexing is essential for the structured arrangement of files and the retrieval of documents and containers. This consists of the arrangement of document types with the automatic allocation of affiliated subject words, storage areas, storage timeframes, manual indexing right through to a Thesaurus standardised for the whole of the SPARKASSEN-Finanzgruppe and an automatic full-text indexing for filing.
Electronic Desk
An office automation solution has three basic elements: entry of information, processing and management of information and output of information. These fundamentals are present in the EBK’s organisation of dynamic documents. The basic desire is to have a clear and complete overview of every piece of information emmanating different sources. This is the vision of the unified mailbox. A whole host of information can enter the mailbox: news, internal e-mails, Internet mails, faxes, scanned documents, virtual files, memos and circulars. This electronic mailbox is fundamental to the electronic desk. It can be used via the browser and via a Notes client. Comprehensive, context sensitive tools support the user.
A schematic representation of the system helps the user make the transition from the world of paper to that of electronic administration and can be tailored to the individual. The recording structure can be combined with flat inspection in the form of hit lists and overviews and it also facilitates the storage of confidential documents.
Dynamic Documents Management and Long-Term Recording
These are both managed by the index database. For the user, the storage level or specific location where information is kept, is arbitrary. Filing supports the life cycle of a document with versioning, check-in, check-out, optimised caching and use of various formats such as TIFF, pdf, Notes, Word, e-mail, etc. The final, long-term recording stores the information and documents in a unified, self-defining document format according to the recommendations of the SIZ. In this way, documents can be automatically converted (e.g. in TIFF) or archived in different renditions for different areas of application (e.g. the same content as pdf, Word and HTML). The solution stores revisions on digital optical memory. It also features restart, recovery and extensive protocols.
Workflow and Cooperative Processing of Documents
The EBK-solution supports different forms of workflow. Apart from the automatic routing of incoming post, there is also ad hoc workflow using predefined settings and special workflow procedures. Circulars, special notices or cover sheet processes make-up the authorisation and decision processes. The construction here is role based and ‘people-centric’.
Besides controlling workflow, the EBK-solution supports the cooperation between secretarial offices and superiors, as well as committees and project work. Documents can be set up in procedures, files, folders and collective documents. The creation, administration and tracking of tasks supplement this functionality.
User Access
A knowledge sharing approach is crucial for gaining the maximum benefit from a knowledge management system. There are two aspects here. Firstly, an authorisation system that can differentiate between the most diverse access passwords and, secondly, an efficient tasking functionality that distributes the information.
The flexible authorisation system supports and unifies systems based on specific criteria: organisational units, project organisations, roles, groups and neutral user types. Consequently, special storage areas can be protected (e.g. accounting, auditing, the Board and the Works Council). A role concept allows a staff member to simultaneously hold different passwords. For example, as a computer operator in a department, as a participant in an overlapping project team and as a member of the Works Council. Access and visibility over the authorisation system is controlled from the workplace.
Special Modules and Components
A critical feature of the EBK-solution is the deep integration of the individual components. Office communication tools supplement the document management functionalities. Central resources, users, addresses, keywords, categorisation criteria and appointments all use the individual functions and this data only occurs once in the system. The special functions and integrated modules within the EBK-solution comprise:
Address Management
Address management features a controlled application process for the central stock of information, local selective views, integration into Word, complex distribution circles and the use of series letters and information despatch;
The scheduler is used for personal, group and general appointments. It was supplemented, for cross-reference purposes, with palmtops and confidentiality levels. The diary also serves other modules such as reproduction and appointment selection in other programme parts;
Controlled Keyword Vocabulary and Thesaurus
The controlled keyword vocabulary and Thesaurus specific to the Sparkassenfinanzgruppe is also installed in the EBK-solution. Specialist terminology and technical profiles for the administration of the system utilises centrally used keywords, document types, user types, archive storage areas and other libraries. This facilitates a structured administration of knowledge underpinned by a unified reference and reference point system;
Office Product and Groupware Integration
Microsoft Office components were directly integrated into this module. They are requested from the EBK-application and saved in the controlled file. Pre-designed, centrally controlled layouts are made available according to the user’s authorisation level. These automatically adopt address, user and other common data. Documents in Word, Excel and PowerPoint are subordinate to the EBK-solution’s management. Consequently, they are immediately retrievable.
The standard functions of Lotus Notes/Domino are integrated in much the same way as those of Microsoft Office. There are, for example, special forms for applications, Notes input with added attachments and other Notes document types. Functionalities that will arrive in the future, such as electronic signature, telephony integration, personal video and portals, are already accounted for within the basic solution;
Circulars and Knowledge Automation
Working with circulars is considerably more complicated than one might at first assume. Documents containing the control and address data of the distributor are automatically sent via an approval system installed in websites or transmitted in Internet pools via Intranet. The application of the unified Thesaurus also guarantees that documents can be automatically indexed and correctly filed and managed by external recipients in the Sparkassen--Finanzgruppe. The required formats are automatically created for the distribution. This can be Word for the Intranet, pdf for attachments to external recipients and HTML for information on the web.
Project Management Processes
The Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe’s standard project management process is
supported by a special dynamic document management structure and a database supported administration of project data. This is just as suitable for minor, less structured actions as for major projects, which entail planning phases, pre-stages, sub-projects and extrapolations. It allows for the different access levels and distribution circles for internal and external project participants. The system also handles the administration of all the project documentation. Depending on the access level, overviews to support the control of all current projects can be generated with the different selection and sorting views.
The solution also has a range of further individual functions that are available to the end-user as he gradually becomes familiar with the system. The system caters for subsequent tracking of the utilised functions which means the system is optimised.
Success Across the Board – An Award for Excellence from the USA
The project’s introduction was prepared meticulously over a long period of time. In collaboration with the management consultant firm, Project Consult, the initial requirements were analysed, structured and transposed into definitive concepts. Selective criteria for the chosen products were defined. At the same time, organisational basics were sketched in – from indexing, definition of storage areas and access structures, user models, data security requirements, standard course of events, organisation of incoming post, preparation of training and qualification measurements, right through to concrete operating instructions. By including management and auditing personnel, organisational hurdles were overcome prior to installation. Concrete guidelines then enabled the chosen software provider, Boo AG, to adapt its standard solution at short notice. This was further developed in consultation with the user groups. At this stage, however, the true capabilities of the solution were not realised. The users were not only trained in the applications. A comprehensive coaching programme also supported them in translating the functionalities into efficient working processes. Supervisors and coaches in the individual work units, expert both in the specialist subject matter and the programme system, additionally contributed to the acceptance of the solution.
After just over a year in productive operation, the EBK-solution can be considered an unqualified success. The number of users and filed information is continusously growing. Not just the information content itself but also the knowledge about processes, fast communication and database-supported production of documents, have contributed to a substantial increase in efficiency. Within three years, the DSGV has surmounted a complex technical and organisational task. This venture occured at a time when moving locations, changes in personnel structure and new responsibilities created considerable pressures – regardless of the EBK-project.
The success has also garnered international recognition. The international umbrella organisation for users and providers of e-business, knowledge management and document management, AIIM International (Association for Information and Image Management International, Silver Springs, USA) gave the DSGV the “Award for Excellence”. This distinction from the USA is rarely awarded to Europeans and is one of the first to be handed to a German organisation. Since then, the DSGV has become a place of pilgrimage for all parties interested in gaining an insight into the efficient implementation of modern information technologies.
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Seitentitel: Article_DSGV, Zitierung:
Zuletzt aktualisiert am: 23.5.2002
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